Native Instruments kündigt Traktor Pro 3.3 an

Traktor "ab dem ersten Tag" mit Mac OS Catalina kompatibel?

26. September 2019

Traktor Pro 3.3.Nach der monatelangen Funkstille und der Entlassungswelle bei Native Instruments scheinen im Traktorteam die Weichen wieder voll auf Zukunft gestellt zu sein, wie Product Owner Friedemann Becker in einem Post im offiziellen Traktorforum von Native Instruments klarstellte.

Der wichtigste und ambitionierteste Punkt des Postings: Traktor soll „ab dem ersten Tag“ das neue Apple-Betriebsystem „Catalina“ unterstützen, das noch im Oktober erscheinen soll. Das betrifft ausdrücklich auch den iTunes-Nachfolger „Music“, der mit der bisherigen Praxis bricht, die iTunes-Library via eines XML-Files in Software von Drittanbietern nutzbar machen zu können.


Ausserdem bestätigte Becker eine neue Traktor-Hardware, deutet aber mit keinem Wort an, um welche Art Controller es sich handeln wird.

Hier der Volltext (Das Forum ist nur registrierten Nutzern zugänglich):

Dear TRAKTOR Aficionados!

We’ve been rather silent lately, but behind the scenes we only had one thought: “How can we deliver value to as many of our loyal users as possible?”

The answer has been easy: besides fixing more bugs, delivering much requested compatibility to our legacy controllers for TDJ2 users, we have to support macOS Catalina from day one, and we want to make sure that everybody using iTunes for managing their music can seamlessly continue to do so on their respective operating system – not a trivial topic, and one that required plenty of attention.


We intend to kick off a public beta of TRAKTOR PRO 3.3 in a few days, and everybody’s welcome to help us iron out any final undiscovered issues both on the current operating systems and (for whoever’s brave enough) on the current beta of Catalina.

We’re also due to release an interesting new piece of hardware later this year, as has already been hinted at in our press statement quoted by some of the tech blogs. Some test-units are being sent out to external testers this week – so we’re almost done on this front too.

That’s all I can say today, because I only want to share things that are basically ready for release. We have more cooking behind the scenes and most importantly: after the reorganization this summer, we have reached a good team velocity which enables us to deliver updates more frequently.

So stay tuned for even more news later this year, but also don’t overestimate our capabilities. Besides TRAKTOR PRO 3 we are also working on longer-term projects. So bear with us.

Thanks and hope to be back soon,
Friedemann (on behalf of the whole TRAKTOR team)


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