Top News: Neue Produkte von FXpansion: DCAM Dynamics & FreeComp!

DCAM Dynamics

18. Juli 2012


DCAM Dynamics: circuit-modelled compression
FXpansion is proud to present a suite of four dynamics plugins. DCAM Dynamics offers a variety of different flavours of high-quality circuit-modelled dynamics processing. The included plugins are perfect for everything from taming tricky transients to heavy, creative sculpting effects and everything in between. Classic console bus compression and channel limiting amp processors are provided alongside a transient shaper and frequency-selective compressor making DCAM Dynamics a great all-purpose dynamics toolbox.


With lovingly modelled bus compression and limiting amplifier circuits, DCAM Dynamics‘ BusComp and ChanComp provide 2 staples of studio compression distilled into plugin form.

The EnvShaper plugin offers envelope-style transient control, allowing you to adjust the attack and sustain portions of complex audio material. Finally, DCAM CrossComp provides frequency-selective compression. Its high-quality crossover allows you to compress a specific range of the spectrum and mix it back in with the rest of the signal, offering flexible approaches to loudness and dynamic tone sculpting without having to use a complicated multiband processor.

All the DCAM Dynamics processors feature saturation circuits, built-in MIDI learn functionality and a variety of monitoring ‚listen‘ modes. DCAM Dynamics operates at 2x oversampling, with a switchable Hi Def mode for 4x oversampling with extremely high quality results.

Highlights include:

  • Circuit-modelled plugin compression suite
  • Classic console bus compression
  • Channel limiting amp compression
  • Envelope Shaper for transients in complex mixes
  • Frequency-dependent compression for creative tone sculpting
  • Saturation circuitry modelling
  • 2x oversampling with 4x Hi Def mode for extremely high quality
  • Built-in MIDI Learn for plugin controls
  • Secondary side-chain input and full MIDI control in compatible hosts
  • 32-bit and 64-bit support
  • VST, AU and RTAS plugin formats on Mac OSX 10.6.2 and Windows 7

Pricing and Availability:
DCAM Dynamics is available as a download-only product from the FXpansion web shop!

Pricing is USD $99.00, EUR €79.00, GBP £69.00 inc VAT where applicable.


DCAM FreeComp – Free circuit-modelled compression!

FXpansion is proud to present DCAM FreeComp, a free circuit-modelled compression plugin in VST, AU and RTAS formats. DCAM FreeComp is a realistic model of a classic console bus compressor design, designed to gel subgroups and entire mixes together while enhancing punch and definition. It’s also excellent at taming peaks in individual tracks and instruments, creative sculpting and heavy, pumping compression effects.

    • Profilbild

      @dieter198 OK – wer von euch (ich hätte jetzt beinah geschrieben Schnarchnasen….) hat schon selber mal ein Kompressor PlugIn programmiert? Aha…… und dann verschenkt ihr das auch noch? Respekt.

  1. Profilbild

    Ja, das ist alles inzwischen ziemlich ausgelutscht und provoziert höchstens noch ein müdes Gähnen. Ich denke, wer jetzt noch einen Kompressor oder ähnliches auf den Markt wirft, wird sich mit sehr kleinen Gewinnmargen begnügen müssen.

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