Behringer Synthesizer – Additional Notes

30. November 2014


We read with interest the announcement of the new analog synth project. In the article Uli extended an invitation to interested scientists and musicians to contact him and you offered to take responses and pass them on.


There are a few things we wonder about in light of Uli’s statements. He says the Curtis Chips and SSM are defunct. We think that is true about the Curtis Chips. SSM however, was taken over by Analog Devices and the full line became available again (the US DoD had alot to do with that).
The Analog Device series continues to be maintained and updated.

The Curtis chip based patchable synthesizers mostly used the Volts/Octave or exponential control voltage scheme although the chips themselves could use Volt/Octave (exponential) and Volts/Hz (linear) schemes.

If Behringer made a module (no keyboard) that was patchable and used the Volts/Hz (linear) control voltage scheme we would definitely buy one. If it had MIDI IN and MIDI OUT we might even buy a few.


In addition we would like to offer the services of Marschall Acoustics Instruments Pty Ltd.

Our principal scientist Dr, Richard Marschall studied under Robert Moog and Harald Bode, who were guest lecturers at SUNY at Buffalo, and frequent visitors to the College of Mathematical Sciences where he also maintained
the synthesizer studio.

Richard is available as a consultant to discuss the finer details of the retro analog circuit design and underlying physics. Here at MAI we are also expert Linux Audio Developers and can provide assistance with software and embedded firmware development if requested.

Patrick Shirkey
Head of Global Operations
Marschall Acoustics Instruments Pty Ltd
  1. Profilbild

    Behringer sollte erst mal die vielen oft seit Jahren angekündigten Produkte auf den Markt bringen, statt dauernd neue Pseudoprodukte anzudenken.

    • Profilbild

      @RaHen Das sehe ich genauso.Ich nenne da nur einmal die x-touch Controller,im Januar 2014 angekündigt, hört man nix mehr davon.Das kenne ich von keinem anderen Hersteller.

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