Top News: Musicrow releases Bass Lab for Reaktor

Bass Lab for Reaktor

30. Mai 2012


Musicrow releases Bass Lab for Reaktor


Musicrow has released Bass Lab synthesizer for Native Instruments Reaktor.    


Bass Lab is a fully equipped laboratory for the production of ultra-modern fat and punchy electronic bass sounds. It offers 14 different saw waveforms, 11 types of resonant low pass filters, super fast envelopes, a bass booster for more low-end, a transient shaper for extra punch, powerful wave-shaping tools, digital and analog distortion, a speaker emulation, an advanced saturation section and more. 


Main Features:

  • 14 different saw waveforms to choose from (Including famous hardware waveform emulations)
  • 11 different types of low-pass filters
  • Bass booster section for more low-end
  • Transient shaper section for extra punch
  • Ultra fast envelopes with a break-point and two decay times, for the creation of punchier and more defined bass sounds
  • Special noise and effects section
  • Advanced saturation section for adding extra fat before the filter stage
  • 3 distortions (Overdrive, Analog Distortion and Digital Distortion)
  • Oscillator ‘Analog Mode’
  • Speaker emulation for extra character 

Bass Lab is now available individually for an introductory price of €39 (instead of €49). Bass Lab is also available as part of Musicrow’s Golden Ensembles 3 bundle (along with 43 other reaktor ensembles), which is now available for a special price of €99 (instead of €169). The special prices for Bass Lab and Golden Ensembles 3 will be valid until June 15, 2012. 

  1. Profilbild

    Liest sich ja soweit ganz gut, jedoch wurde ich bei dem Video sehr entäuscht… hört sich an las wäre es mit Rebirth gemacht worden…

    Also für DEN klnag gibt es echt bessere Alternativen…

    (Vieleicht war auch nur das Video etwas zu hastig auf den Markt geschmissen worden) ;)

  2. Mehr anzeigen
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