iOS Special #17 – Musik produzieren am iPad

CURiOS #17 - Scythe, PolySynth, Rozeta

27. Dezember 2017

Nach den letzten beiden CURiOS Monsterausgaben, beenden ich dieses Jahr mit einer kleinen Ausgabe und bedanke mich herzlich für die vielen Klicks. Es war ein bewegtes Jahr, iOS11, App-Sterben und so viele großartige iOS-Apps zum Musik produzieren am iPad wie nie zuvor. Was wird uns noch erwarten?

Waves Q10, L1 und AudioTrack für Cubasis

Nun, mit Version 2.3.2 von Cubasis hat Steinberg nicht nur AudioUnit-Automation eingeführt hat, sondern auch drei Waves Plug-ins. Zum 25 jährigen Jubiliäum von Waves wurden der Equalizer Q10, der Limiter L1 und der Channel-Strip Audiotrack in Cubasis als IAP integriert und das für einen sehr moderaten Preis. Nun kann man von Waves halten was man will und in der ersten Dekade der 2000er haben sie sich mit ihrer „Kundenpolitik“ nicht gerade Freunde gemacht haben, ein geflügeltes Sprichwort aus dieser Zeit zu WUP (Waves Upgrade Plan): „the gift that keeps on taking“. Dennoch sind Waves mit über 180 Plug-ins nicht nur eine Langzeitinstitution, sondern auch ein Gigant unter den Plug-in-Herstellern und in den letzten paar Jahren haben sie anscheinend auch ihren Kopf aus ihrem A… llerwertesten gekriegt. Ihr Auftritt in iOS auf alle Fälle ein gutes Zeichen! Auch wenn DDMF oder AudioDamage schon vorher da waren und das Crossover zwischen iOS- / Desktop-Plug-in mit Bravour hingelegt haben.


Sollte man sich darüber aufregen das Waves exklusiv mit Steinberg zusammenarbeitet und damit einen „Walled Garden“ schafft? Nein, andere iOS-DAWs, wie Auria von Wavemechanics, die exklusiv mit den exzellenten Fabfiltern zusammenarbeiten, oder Davy Wentzlers Audio Evolution Mobile Studio, das exklusiv mit den ebenfalls exzellenten Toneboosters ( berichtete) zusammenarbeitet, machen das schon lange und es kräht kein Hahn danach.
Realistisch betrachtet sind diese Zusammenarbeiten, auch wenn sie exklusiv sind, eine gute Möglichkeit für Entwickler einen Markt und eine Plattform anzutesten, mit denen sie eigentlich nichts am Hut haben und das ist jetzt nicht mal negativ gemeint. Es kann einfach nicht jeder alles machen. Dabei überlassen sie die Produktpflege denen, die wirklich etwas von iOS verstehen anstatt eigene Ressourcen dafür zu verschwenden. Das ist nachvollziehbar.
Außerdem, was nicht ist kann ja noch werden! Dahingehend war iOS immer für Überraschungen gut und mit den Erweiterungen für die Audio Units in iOS 11 ist das Unerwartbare wieder etwas Erwartbarer geworden.
Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass Apple sich nicht komplett zum Streaming-Service wandelt sondern auch weiterhin Apps zum Musik produzieren am iPad anbietet.

Ansonsten haben wird auch in dieser Ausgabe haben wir wieder alles was für Musik prodzieren am iPad und am iPhone interessant ist.


  • Sennheiser AMBEO® SmartHeadset – Von Apogee

NEUE APPs – Teil 1 (Seite 3)

  • Lisbon, Vancouver, DeeMax für Gadget – Von Korg
  • Kauldron – Von Yonac Inc.
  • Synth by Wärn – Von Johannes Warn
  • Senode – Von Sebastian Arnold
  • Fat Lady – Guitar Distortion / Overdrive – Von Aleksandar Mlazev
  • Vibrato – Audio Unit Effect – Von Aleksandar Mlazev
  • Ultimate Rhythm Coach – Von Libor Hadrava
  • SoundForest – Von Justin Alexander
  • iOptigan – Von Stefan Stenzel
  • DirectionalEQ, AU – Von Christian Siedschlag
  • GridInstrument – Von Decidedly, LLC
  • Harmonica Key Pro – Von Charles Reina
  • Audio Spectrum Analyzer HD Pro – Von Elena Polyanskaya
  • iAbyssal – Von Alfredo Aliaga
  • S-Modular – Von DesignByPaul
  • expressionPad – Von mode of expression, LLC
  • scylla – Hi-Res Music Player – Von bismark LLC

NEUE APPs – Teil 2 (Seite 4)

  • sequencism – Von Rodrigo Roman
  • Brusfri , AU – Von Klevgränd produkter AB
  • Axon 2 – Von Audio Damage, Inc.
  • Quantum Sequencer – Von anthony saunders
  • VirtualRoom AU – Von MN Signal Processing
  • Beat Machine – Audio Sequencer – Von Vaytricks
  • soundfruuze – Von Alexey Nadzharov
  • Midiflow Motion – Von Johannes Doerr
  • 3oomph – Von Savelii Kaliupanov
  • Xequence | MIDI Workstation – Von Seven Systems
  • VirtualForest, AU – Von MN Signal Processing
  • SNAP – School Edition – Von Reactable Systems
  • Lo-Fly Dirt – Von MSXII Sound Design
  • guitarscaper – Von Rob Jackson
  • EGSY01 Lite – Von Elliott Garage
  • iMPC Pro 2 – Von Akai / Retronyms
  • Elastic FX – Von O-G-SUS

IM FOKUS (Seite 5)

  • Scythe – Von Bitmaks
  • PolySynth – Von DesignByPaul
  • Rozeta – Von Bram Bos

Sennheiser AMBEO® SmartHeadset
Von Apogee Electronics Corp


AMBEO® SmartHeadset 299.- USD
App: Gratis, iTunes

Musik produzieren am iPad

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug)::
With Sennheiser’s AMBEO Smart Headset, capture the world around you in immersive 3D audio! The Smart Headset control app enhances your experience with additional features and customization options.
– With the Situational Awareness setting, turn on Active Noise Cancellation to tune out distractions and tune into your music and video. Or, turn on Transparent Hearing to blend your surroundings with your music for the perfect level of awareness. Enable alternate Transparent Hearing levels to adapt to different surroundings like concerts, urban settings or quiet spaces.
– Set the Recording Level of the 3D microphones for Natural level (general surroundings) or Reduce level (loud concerts and other high volume events).
– Personalize your playback EQ response with two music settings, a spoken word setting, or your own EQ curve.- Customize the Smart Slider for an array of functions, from quickly launching your favorite audio or video recording app to enabling Interact mode to communicate with those around you.
– Enable Voice Prompts for an audible confirmation of settings changes made with the Situational Awareness rocker switch and Smart Slider.
– Get up and running with the Quickstart guide – a convenient reference for the Smart Headset’s features and controls.
– Update your Smart Headset: check the current firmware version and update if necessary.

Lisbon, Vancouver, DeeMax für Gadget

Von Korg

IAP je 10,99€

DeeMax Limiter für Gadget

Musik produzieren am iPad

Vancouver Sampler für Gadget

Lisbon Synthesizer für Gadget


Von Yonac Inc.
4,49 €, iTunes
Funktion: VA-Synthesizer

Musik produzieren am iPad

Yonac Kauldron

 iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):

Kauldron is our warmest sounding, punchiest synth yet! A completely new modeling technology, combined with carefully designed features help you create aggressive synth sounds full of rich analog textures with the fewest knob tweaks. The result is a pure, head-on tone that requires little or no FX or post-production to sound big.

Kauldron pushes every available iOS technology to the max: it is not only fully universal (you can run it natively on your iPad and iPhone), but also an Audio Unit Plug-in. In fact, it is one of the first fullscreen AUv3 Plug-ins for iOS: with iOS 11 and a compatible DAW, you can enjoy all the great Kauldron features on a nice, big spread.

Kauldron debuts the next generation of our Artificial Intelligence preset creation system, SPAWN². Completely reimagining the groundbreaking SPAWN algorithms in our hugely popular Magellan, the new SPAWN² gives you unprecedented control over generating presets. In the expert mode, you can accomplish anything from subtle ‘variations on a theme’ to bold new sounds. In the basic mode, where Kauldron does all the thinking, you get preset after usable preset with just a touch. This is not simple randomization: it is the power of machine learning put to benevolent use!

Synth by Wärn

Von Johannes Warn
Gratis, iTunes
Funktion: Synthesizer

Synth by Wärn

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
A couple of weird synths.


Von Sebastian Arnold
8,99 €, iTunes
Funktion: MIDI Sequencer

Senode – MIDI-Sequencer

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
SENODE is a new music composition app for iPad. It extends the concept of linear step sequencers to a freely connectable graph with an unlimited number of instruments traveling along the edges. The simple „finite state machine“ model allows you to create complex polyphonic sequences and play them in real-time!


– innovative non-linear graphical sequencer with draggable multi-touch interface
– integrated polyphonic synthesizer with sine wave, square and saw oscillators, ADSR, filter and reverb
– unlimited number of steps and directions: cycles, randomized, one-shot – everything possible
– real-time sequencer control with master clock and catch-up quantization
– support for single notes or chords with velocity, legato or fixed-length notes
– chord detection, hold and replace modes
– transpose and clock divide functions
– polyphonic traversal with unlimited number of tokens and different instruments on the same graph
– quickly record nodes or chords via on-screen keyboard or MIDI input
– control other music apps or external gear via MIDI
– comes with tutorial and example patches that you can instantly play

Fat Lady – Guitar Distortion / Overdrive effect

Von Aleksandar Mlazev
3,49 €, iTunes
Funktion: Effekt-Plug-in

Fat Lady

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
This is NOT a digital reproduction of vintage gear or old crappy dist algorithm. Fat Lady is completely NEW approach to the guitar sound that I have made. It delivers good sustain, rich harmonics, right amount of compression and at the same time keeps the dynamics as much as possible.

Vibrato – Audio Unit Effect

Von Aleksandar Mlazev
2,29 €, iTunes
Funktion: Effekt-Plug-in

Musik produzieren am iPad


iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
Classic vibrato and chorus effect. The app is Audio Unit AUv3.
With the “blend” slider you can gradually make it from pure vibrato to chorus by adding the original sound into the mix. Rate goes from really slow to space 12 Hz vibration sound. There is also a build-in reverb effect that is very useful if you use the app as a stand alone effect.

Vibrato is an Audio Unit Effect AUV3 and can be used inside GarageBand or other AU host apps as an effect plug-in. When used as stand alone app, it is adding effect to the audio input so you can play your guitar, bass or synth directly through the app if you have the connector to do so.

Ultimate Rhythm Coach

Von Libor Hadrava
10,99 €, iTunes
Funktion: Lern-Software

Ultima Rhythm Coach

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
The Ultimate Rhythm Coach is your own personal teacher and the best rhythm-training tool that’s always at your fingertips! The Ultimate Rhythm Coach is full of settings and features designed to make your learning experience easier and better while also providing nearly infinite new ways to challenge yourself.


Von Justin Alexander
Gratis, iTunes
Funktion: Groovebox
In-App-Käufe :  Unlock Everything 2,29 €


iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
SoundForest is a mini music maker that allows you to instantly compose a song using a collection of musical creatures. Compose a loop by tapping animal instruments and mix them into a hypnotic tune. Make a musical ecosystem with SoundForest.


Von Stefan Stenzel
5,49 €, iTunes


Funktion: Virutelles Instrument, Rompler
1. Complete Disc Pak 6,99 €
2. Vox Humana1,09 €
3. Singing Rhythm1,09 €
4. Movin’1,09 €
5. Polynesian Village1,09 €

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
The Optigan, short for Optical Organ, was a chord organ from the early 1970’s. It is remembered today for its unique system of sound reproduction using optical discs. These LP-sized film discs were optically encoded with 57 concentric tracks, which contained loops of musical combos playing chord patterns in different styles. Each disc contained a specific style of music (Bossa Nova, Big Band etc) which the user could control by pressing the chord buttons. Changing the discs was as simple as putting a new record on your turntable. Think of it as the 1971 version of GarageBand.

Despite this novel technology, the scratchy sound of the Optigan left a lot to be desired.

The iOptigan we present here truthfully recreates that lo-fi sound.

25 of the original 40 discs are included, the remaining 15 can be purchased individually or all together in the Complete Pak.

Specifications and Features:
• Disc loading rigth-side-up or upside-down
• Spring Reverb (virtual)
• Optical Metronome
• Audio Demo for each Disc
• MIDI in/out
• MIDI chord detection
• MIDI File Import
• Sequencer with Record and Playback
• Sharing for songs as Audio and MIDI File
• iTunes File Sharing
• Inter-App Audio
• Smart background audio
• Help overlay
• Headphone optimised stereo (optional)
• Radio Mode for Chord Buttons or Keyboard
• Comfortable speed control in semitones or BPM

CURiOS Kommentar: Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass die Produktpflege besser ist als bei den anderen Waldorf Apps.

DirectionalEQ, AU

Von Christian Siedschlag
10,99 €, iTunes
VST, AU, AAX 34,- €
Funktion: Equalizer-Plug-in

Directional EQ

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
Traditional EQs influence the spectrum of the whole stereo field simultaneously. L/R or Mid-Side-EQs allow you to treat the two channels or the mid and the side signal simultaneously. DirectionalEQ takes this concept one big step further: now you can equalize all directions in the stereo field independently! With five bands, each of them providing state-of-the-art filter types (including 64 bit processing and 2x oversampling) plus the unique ability to specify the direction in which the channel is operational. So you need more bass at 2 o’clock, less midrange at 11 o’clock and a bit more treble from the left? No problem at all, that’s exactly what this EQ has been made for!
This app is intended to work as an Audio Unit Plug-in within a compatible host app like GarageBand, Cubasis or Auria.

CURiOS Kommentar: Und wieder einmal liefert DDMF ein Plug-in in Desktop-Qualität zu einem Tiefstepreis. Nur um mal den Vergleich zu machen, Plugin-Alliance wollen für ihren bx_panEQ $300.


Von Decidedly, LLC
3,49 €, iTunes
Funktion: MIDI-Controller

Musik produzieren am iPad


iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
GridInstrument lets you play your iOS device like a musical instrument. Instead of a piano keyboard, notes are arranged on a grid. It also lets you hook up your Launchpad device (using the Apple Camera Connection Kit) and play that as well!


– Launchpad integration (connect your Launchpad Mini in low-power mode without a hub or any other Launchpad with a powered hub)
– Change octaves
– Change keys
– Change from over 20 musical modes („Major, Minor, Dorian, Mixolydian, etc.“)
– Choose between three grid layouts („Diatonic“, „Chromatic/4ths String Layout“, „Drum rack“), as well as row note offset/overlap setting
– Core MIDI out so that you use GridInstrument to control your other instruments
– Audiobus 3 MIDI support

Harmonica Key Pro

By Charles Reina
3,49 €, iTunes
Funktion: Referenz-Software

Harmonica Key Pro

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
Harmonica Key Pro lets you unleash the power of your harmonica. Use it to quickly reference keys, positions and scales between the most common harmonica tunings.

With improved reference notes you can also practice getting that bend perfect.

From the stage to the side of the Mississippi Delta, this is the tool harmonica players need. Made by a harmonica player, for harmonica players.

Note: This app is for diatonic harp players. If people really like it, maybe we will do chromatic next! Stay tuned.

Audio Spectrum Analyzer HD Pro

Von Elena Polyanskaya
Gratis, iTunes
Funktion: Analyse-Software
1. Spectrum Analyzer Pro 4,49 €

Audio Spectrum Analyzer HD Pro

iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
Spectrum Analyzer besitzt viele fortgeschrittene Funktionen welche Sie normalerweise nur in Schallanalysesoftware für einen viel höheren Preis finden. Die App bietet eine schnelle und akkurate Spektrumsanalyse die sich sowohl für Amateur-HiFi-Enthusiasten als auch für professionelle Audiovisual-Ingenieure eignet.

– Oktavband Echtzeit-Analysator
– FFT-Darstellung (schnelle Fourier-Transformation)
– geschmeidige HD-Grafik
– akkurater multispektraler Oberton-Analysator
– Integrierter akkurater Schallpegelmesser


Von Alfredo Aliaga
5,49 €, iTunes
Funktion: VA-Emulation, Theremin


iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
Introducing: iAbyssal, virtual analog photo-synthesizer / noise machine.
Based on the Abyssal analog photo-synth released by AtomoSynth in 2008. the iAbyssal is a virtual analog synthesizer that can be controlled by light using the frontal camera, this design allows using it for expressive live performances and having fun creating crazy sound effects, incredible sound textures and big soundscapes.

* Uses your device frontal camera as a light sensor for altering pitch, filter frequency and resonance.
* „Photocell“ (frontal camera) calibration functionality for adjusting its sensitivity to different environmental light conditions.
* Can be used in low-light environments thanks to an inverse calibration feature.
* Features one oscillator with square and sawtooth waveforms.
* White noise generator.
* Two low frequency oscillators (LFO) which can modulate various parameters of the oscillator, noise generator and filter.
* One Filter with low pass and high pass mode and resonance (peak) control.
* Adjustable delay effect.
* Preset memory including many factory presets for using as a starting point and easily create your own sounds.
* Inter-App-Audio and Audiobus support (as generator unit) for using it with your favorite audio apps.


Von DesignByPaul
4,49 €, iTunes
Funktion: VA-Synthesizer


iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
S-Modular is a semi modular synthesizer for your iPad.
S-Modular has been designed to have everything on one screen to make patching quick and easy. Drag from one jack port to another to make a connection, tap a plugged port to change the wires color instantly.

S-Modular has a unique and vintage sound quality, reminiscent of synthesizers from the 70s, warm and rich in character.

– Audiobus 3
– IAA (Inter-App Audio)
– 2x oscillators
– 24db/oct ladder filter
– Resonant hi-pass and low-pass filter
– 2x LFO
– 4 step cv sequencer
– 4 track Mixer
– Audio and cv spliter
– 2x AHR envelope generators
– Delay

expressionPad – Synth/Sampler/CoreMIDI instrument

Von mode of expression, LLC
Gratis, iTunes
Funktion: Synthesizer, Sampler


iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
expressionPad is a new kind of musical instrument. Continuous multi-touch support means you can control pitch bend, dynamics, and modulation with each touch, even as you change notes.
We’ve created a flexible and intuitive interface so you can focus on music. Watch our video and see for yourself!
Tune your expressionPad in fourths, fifths, or in guitar tunings such as standard or Open C.
expressionPad features a built-in polyphonic synthesizer/sampler so you can start making music right away. Experience the flexibility of polyphonic portamento — an electronic music first!
Connect to your music studio via Core MIDI, Apple’s inter-app music protocol. With expressionPad, you can play Reason, Ableton Live, Logic, Garage Band, and Logic more expressively than ever!
A clean interface, a flexible synthesizer/sampler, and lightning-fast MIDI response. Push your musical ideas to new limits with expressionPad.

scylla – Hi-Res Music Player

Von bismark LLC
Gratis, iTunes
1. Hi-Res Audio Support 6,99 €
Funktion: Musik-Player


iTunes Beschreibung (Auszug):
scylla is a new Hi-Res audio player app featuring “Easy”, “Much”, and “Comfortable”.

Already there are a lot of good audio player apps, but they are a little difficult and complexity.
scylla was developed with a focus on being simple.
Of course controllable from Apple Watch.
If you want, scylla tells artist name and title of the now-playing song.

Additional to your music library, you can import your songs from iCloud Drive, Dropbox, …
Also FLAC *1, DSD *1, and OggVorbis is supported.
All songs can be chosen from one screen simply.
Playlist does not depend on the type of songs.

10 bands EQ (Equalizer) is available for your preference.
When you’d like to concentrate, connect to USB DAC / portable amp for awesome sound quality.
DoP (DSD over PCM) feature brings world’s best sound. *2

*1 Playback FLAC / DSD song feature is In-App Purchase option
*2 DoP playback feature is In-App Purchase option

  1. Profilbild
    mdesign AHU

    app store: ‚Brusfri can be used in two ways, either standalone or as a AUv3 plug-in.‘

    und es funktioniert ziemlich gut. ich bin beeindruckt.

  2. Profilbild

    Hallo Markus, danke für die 17 Curios IOS Magazine. Ich weiß die viele Arbeit zu schätzen.
    Noch ein Tipp: In der Aufstellung fehlt ein
    exzellenter, kostenloser Synth.
    FM Player Classic DX Synths, erschienen am
    07.12. Ein must have.
    Freue mich auf die nächste Curios Ausgabe.
    Gruß vprojects

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